"Hey! Col. X and family is in the station and I've invited them over. They will be home by 8. Do you need anything?" Well, this is the call I usually get every other day from my husband. Mind you. It would be somewhere around six in the evening. And the above-mentioned invitation is for a five-course meal.
If not anything else, life in the Army has taught me two things.
To prepare a five-course meal in two hours and to be ready for a party in 15 mins- that too in a saree!!
In my early days of marriage, i.e. when I wasn't used to the Fauj(Army) customs, such situations used to make me a nervous wreck. While I sweat it off in the kitchen, my soldier helps by setting the table, setting up our home to welcome the guests and selecting the music for the party.
Well, the atmosphere is always tense. It is like getting ready for war!
Like being prepared at short notice, to face the unexpected and to simply, win it!
However, in these war-like situations all I need to worry is about the food. And oh yeah, he is always proud to show off the sumptuous food I lay out for the guests. That's not it. We often have new officers posted to the station. That means we have new neighbors too. We always try to help them feel at home, with an invitation to lunch and dinner until they are settled down in their new home. We make friends easily that way. I have even looked after three dogs- a Dalmatian, a Beagle, and a Golden Retriever when our neighbors were out on a holiday. 🙂
Army Wives too are normal people. We do fumble on unexpected visits. But we understand the importance of coming together and being one close-knit group. Especially when your husband is away guarding the borders, these get-togethers bring closeness and affection to our lives. Army is.......... family.
Over the years I have learned many a thing and with that experience, I bring to you the theme for the A to Z Challenge 2018! A tribute to the Zealous Army Wives!
In the Army Wife Kitchen | A to Z Party Foods
[tweetthis]My theme for the #AtoZChallenge 2018 is.... In The Army Wife Kitchen | A to Z Party Foods @AprilA2Z[/tweetthis]
These are the dishes that I loved eating, have got recipes from other Army Wives, cooks from the Army Mess and tried at home.
This is my fifth consecutive year, participating in the #AtoZChallenge and this blog was enrolled thrice before. I am thrilled to experience the madness, chaos, and fun yet again.
I hope you'll join me on this journey of discovering some easy party foods and simply have a blast.
Find all the A to Z posts here:
G: Grenades
That's all for now, folks!
Find more Party Foods here.
Don't miss out on any new recipes or updates. Subscribe to my blog (find the subscription box on top and the right side of this page).
Share and connect with me on social media. If you cook a dish using a recipe from this blog, feel free to click a picture and send it across. I would love to showcase it in the new section- The Reader's Space!
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Love love.
P.S: Love reading dog tales? Head over to my personal blog now to know what I've planned for you this #AtozChallenge there.
Subroto says
Wonderful! Brings back memories of my childhood as an Army brat and of my late parents. One of my prized books is the a cook book that my mother and the other ladies in the unit put together. It is still referred to when I am looking for something different to make.
Sayanti Deb says
Hi, Shalini, am not a food blogger but am a foody blogger :-). You have already added a special glamour to your kitchen by putting the tag," Army wife". We, the ordinary people of the city always curious to know about the army lifestyle. So, I think the combination of army and food, will make your challenge more interesting. Wish you all the best.
Shalini says
Thanks, Sayanti. I hope you would drop in during the challenge 🙂
NotesinaBook says
Sounds yummy ! Looking forward to reading your posts during the challenge.
Shalini says
Thank you very much. All the best 🙂
Abbie says
Hi Shalini,
I'm Abbie from Maryland. Cheers to army wives. Truly, short notice dinners and lunches are crazy and I salute you for being such an amazing and well-planned chef! I am the family's chef ... and I try, no pro! I wanted to to a food theme this year but couldn't gather up recipes for all the alphabets. I love trying out recipes and making food. I am a Pakistani by origin - was your neighbor across the borders - so I share the spices and flavors. I'd be trying out your goodies!
Shalini says
That's amazing, Abbie. I hope you try out some of the recipes this April 🙂
Kala Ravi says
Now that's a scrumpilicious theme! I absolutely adore your recipes and your party treats are going to be a super-duper hit!! All the best and looking forward to some lip-smacking times ahead!
Shalini says
Thank you so very much, Kala. You've always been my constant source of support.
anupriya says
I have always been fascinated by the kind of life Army people live. Especially the women. I am really going to get an insight into your life through April. Looking forward to read your posts.
Shalini says
Thanks Anupriya 🙂
Rajlakshmi says
This is going to be one yummy challenge. I can totally understand how you must feel at short notice, my mom used to go through that too. But it's important part of making new friends, specially when one lives so far away from family, and in remote areas too.
Shalini says
You got it, girl. Thank you and how I wish you participated in the challenge too!
Ramya Abhinand says
woo hoo hoo... I am going to be there for sure :)))
Shalini says
Yay!!!! Thanks for always being there, Ramya 🙂
Obsessivemom says
I'll be around for sure. I may not be an army wife but cooking/entertaining always makes me feel like I'm on the war front. So I'd love your tips and tricks and recipes too.
Shalini says
Yay! Thanks, Tulika. I hope you enjoy the recipes 🙂
Saraallie says
LOVED this post and the theme! 😀 Can't wait!
~ Saraallie
Sara Writes ~ The Crazy Life of a Silly Little Sister
Shalini says
Thanks Sara. Let's rock this April 🙂
Silvia Villalobos says
Sounds awesome. Not a big cook here, but like everyone, I love to eat, so look forward to visiting.
Best of luck from a fellow AZer.
Shalini says
Thank you, Silvia. I hope you try out some recipes from here. Good luck with the challenge!
Meenakshi J says
Looking forward to your lip-smacking recipes , Shaalu..Hope to steal some ideas 😉
Shalini says
Thanks, Meenu <3
shirley corder says
This sounds like a fun theme! I look forward to your posts. Enjoy the challenge! Improve your Life, Improve your Mind
Shalini says
Thanks, Shirley. I hope you enjoy the recipes I share this April.
Balaka Basu says
My sister-in-law is an Army wife and I have had some amazing food at her place..she can make the ordinary extraordinary in a blink..I am myself a lousy cook but appreciate good food. I shall look forward to your posts.
Shalini says
Thanks, Balaka. Glad to know of your association with the Defence Forces.
A.J. Sefton says
Really looking forward to this! Good luck x
Shalini says
Thanks very much 🙂
Vasantha Vivek says
Loved your posts for previous year A To Z on both blogs. And this year also looking forward to it. Great theme. All the very best.
Shalini says
Thanks, Vasantha. You've always been so encouraging! Good luck with the challenge!
Tasha Duncan-Drake says
This sounds like an amazing theme. I shall definitely be back to see what wonderful food you post about.
Tasha's Theme Reveal
Shalini says
Thank you, Tasha. I can't wait for the challenge to begin 🙂
Shilpa Gupte says
All I will say, Shalini, is you are my hero! TWO blogs for A to Z! I really don't need to look elsewhere for inspiration on the days I buckle under pressure!
You are definitely a true blue Army Wife! Take a bow, my dear! <3
Shalini says
Oh, I'm humbled. Thank you for your kind words, Shilpa. I am just doing my bit 🙂
Nabanita Dhar says
Always enjoy your foodie posts and looking forward to this. A very good theme, Shalini 🙂
Shalini says
Thanks a lot, Naba and it means a lot coming from you <3
Pratikshya says
Had enjoyed your recipes posted last year through the challenge.. my mother had noted down a few too.. 🙂
Awaiting this year's 🙂
Shalini says
Yay! Thanks a lot, Pratikshya. Means a lot <3
Lata Sunil says
All the best Shalini.. I will be surely around to read and try them out. For a non-cook (not sure if such a word exists), I love trying out your recipes.
Shalini says
Wow! Thanks, Lata.
Bellybytes says
All I can say is that you are a glutton for punishment ! Two blogs again and this time with a puppy in tow ! MA tujhe Salam!
Shalini says
Hahaha 🙂 Thank you, Bellybytes. You've always been a great support. <3
Roshan Radhakrishnan says
Totally agree with some of the above comments... amazed how for the second year you are running two blogs simultaneously for this challenge. I am losing hair just worrying about one
Shalini says
Third year! 🙂 And this time too I'm not prepared at all. But let's see how it goes 🙂
JazzFeathers says
So happy to see you at the challenge again! And this theme sounds swesome! I suck at party food, so I cant' wait to learn something from you 🙂
Have a fantastic challenge!
Shalini says
Woohoo... Thank you so very much. I can't wait to read your posts. 🙂
Inderpreet says
All the best. I am eager to read about the dishes you chose.
Shalini says
Thank you so much 🙂